Sunday, January 30, 2011

People, food, and of course climbing

So the injuries are healing up and im still resting my knee off of my project, but sent two in the past two days. After the rest day tomorrow i should be strong enough again to give it a go. Outside of Harry the monkey we are getting in with some of the locals as well. Wee, Tex, Pineapple, and Bang are all local climbers and we hang out with them and motivate each other to climb. Wee is the main Thai local climber here. He has a school for climbing, a guide book, and puts lots of work into the rebolting project here from all the metal corrosion. Bolts dont last too long near the ocean. At Phra Nang beach, where most of our projects are is where the locals hang and its starting to feel like a home crag. everyone says hi, exchanges gifts, smiles, beta, and belays. Its a very genorous environment. Wee actually bet me a beer i couldnt send one of my projects yesterday, but little did he know how motivating that was...SEND!!! It was a warm half drank beer, but beer still the same. We still meet up with Kai and Lindsay everyday and eat/climb with them. Its rained the past 6 days in a row, but it brings cool temps and we climb in a cave so no worries. The conditions have taken its toll on our gear and weve had to chop off some rope on both ropes so far. Gear doesn't last long in the sand. As far as food its usually banana sticky rice with coconut milk in the morning and dinner and lunches vary from fried rice to noodle dishes with seafood or chicken. Pad Thai, Fried Yellow Noodle, and Shrimp Tempura are some of the favorites. No massages yet, even though they are so cheap. We try to keep ourselves on a budget and a massage cost as much as three meals. Plus we figure once we get one it will be all downhill from there. As far as blonde hair dont mean shit, hah. But theres really nothing else but climbing. We sleep, eat, climb, rest and repeat. Usually it puts us in bed before 9 and most nightlife doesnt start til 10. The nice thing is we are up before most people and have at least our warm up climb to ourselves on the beach. More sending this afternoon. And looking forward to sleeping in and taking a rest day tomorrow. O and after not experiencing air conditioning since weve been here its actually been pretty east to adjust to the heat. Peace in the Southeast!!!

1 comment:

  1. awesome posts and pics...thanks!
    harry looks so cute and peaceful...i'm sure he's not as bad as you make him out to be :)
    we never hear from/about he shy?'s he doin? are all three of you equally loving this experience?
    the sunset is beautiful looking and jes, your hair is getting really long...and curly! it's was great to see you! glad your injuries don't sound too serious and congrats on your success on the rocks! that warm half beer doesn't sound too yummy...but glad you enjoyed it.
    keep the posts coming! the blog was a great idea, ryan...thanks!
    hey jes...chicago is supposed to get hit with maybe as much as 2 feet of snow tomorrow! glad you're in the southeast? :)
    love to all three of you...glad to hear you're having such a great time.
    travel plans yet?
