Friday, January 14, 2011

first impressions

so ive had alot of time on my hands due to the fact that i got to bangkok a day before ryan and sky. needless to say ive had more than ample amounts of time to observe people as i go from food, to solitare, to stepping outside for a smoke. one thing that has caught my attention is the cleanliness of bangkok. take smoking stations for instance. not only does everyone put their butts in the ashtray, but they "ash" in them to, not on the ground. if you spit outside, its also in a trash can. i still havent figured out why people wear doctor masks, but there seems to be no trend in who wears them. also so much stuff is in english which is nice because speaking thai is super intimidating. way more so than when i was trying to speak german and italian in europe. i hope to try my best to learn at least a few phrases before its all over. i saw my first thai mullet and it was on a woman!! sweeet. and there are insane amounts of westerners. i have also enjoyed seeing the varied style of clothing as well as old out of shape white dudes with young attractive thai's (they prob have money, haha). well thats it for now. only ten moree hours til the boys show up and this party can start. peace in the southeast!!


  1. Sorry you're having such a long and lonely wait for the guys...but glad to see you're making the most of it.
    Thank you SO much for posting!
    Let us know when you three finally get to meet up.
    Good thing you're used to "roughing it".
    Sri Lankan making the news here...major flooding.
    Please be careful to research a bit before exploring new areas.
    Sorry for my "Mom ways".
    Love you!

  2. Interesting. it's good to have time to really take it all in & "observe" =)
