Friday, January 28, 2011

9 days left

Unfortunately, we have nine days left in here.  Things have been really great, we have meet some great people and climb a lot.  Feb 7 we will leave for Vietnam, and spend 2 weeks there climbing and taking in the sites.  Not much to post, just trying to survive on 200 bought a day which is around $6.  Hope everyone is doing great.

1 comment:

  1. Shit i live on $4 dollars a day in the U.S you must be living like kings...... I hope your having fun. Anyway if you get a chance go check out the face lift on Southernutahclimbing and tell me what ya think. I've been through about ten different designs in the last week. I can't seem to come up with anything anybody likes..... So any ideas would help. Plus i stole your pics off facebook for the site. Let me know what ya think, although it could be different in a couple days!!!
