Saturday, March 5, 2011


There are so many scooters.  There are literaly millions of scooters, it's like a sea of scooters every where you look.  I think asia has the right idea. Parking is easy, their efficient, and of course their cheap!  We were at the movie theater/department store/convienence store/scooter store last week, and you can pick up a new no name brand scooter for around $400.  Some of the name brand scooters, like Honda or Yamaha are around $1500.  There are no rules on the road.  For the most part people do like we do in the states.  (We call it organized chaos) but they are constantly on the wrong side, passing when cars are comming, and of course ride up to 4 passengers per scooter.  It's absolutely amazing to see small children riding standing up between two people.  Oh, and of course to see how much stuff they can get on one scooter.  I have seen 16' piece of pipe,  stacks of garbage, and of course my favorite sheets of plywood.  They literaly ride with it on top of their heads.  We have learned not to ride in the front of buses, they honk their horn so much. You hear a horn, you know to get out of the way.  It's amazing to watch. There is no road rage either,  you would be shot by someone if you honked your horn or drove like they do in the States.

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