Friday, March 18, 2011


I woke up several times last night wondering where i was.  I feel the transitions are going to be difficult.  I'm having trouble remembering small things, like where the light switches used to be, and what shoes i used to where all the time.  I was told that going home was always the hardest. Your sense of reality kicks in, and you realize what life used to be, is no where near what it is now.  You have a real job, real bills, and of course a sense of  "what the fuck, i can't function in the real world any more".  Its funny what traveling does to a person.  The adventure of not knowing what will  happen day to day, hour to hour, or even what will happen ten seconds from now.  Where as here the monotony of waking up, working, eating, sleeping, etc. continues.  I now i shouldn't call it monotony, cause its just life! There are plenty of adventures to be had, and things to see. There will always be another "big trip".  I'm going to miss Asia, and I hope that one day i will see it again. There is definitely nothing in the world like it.  Jess...if you read this, know that the decision you made was the right one.  I know that we all have to come home someday and we all have to face the machine, but there will be time for that.  Know one thing, if i had it any other way, i would be sitting next to you reading this. Jess I'm proud, jealous, but most of all glad your doing it.  As Peter Fonda once said, "do your own thing in your own time"   Life happens quickly, take advantage of it.  Have fun Jess, and most of all be careful, we will see you in a couple of weeks.  Oh....and by the way the fucking coffee still sucks!!!!

1 comment:

  1. cool to hear your perspective on things back home, and thanks for the encouragement. I mean you cant ignore peter fonda! say hi to everyone and if you just so happen to find someone to pay us to take road trips... im in! haha O in case you're wondering, khao san is the EXACT same same, but not different!
