Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hoa's Place

Finally after a stint in the big busy cities of hanoi and DaNang we have made it just south of town to china beach to a place everyone talks about. Its called Hoa's place where hes been "takin it easy since 1994". Its a slower pace right near the beach man... where he has poker games in the afternoon and family style vietnam dinners at night where its as many plates of different food you can eat for 3 bucks. We sat on the beach yesterday and met back up with Albio for argentina and watched the waves crash and got some sun back on our skin. Its nice to be back where the sun is shining. Behind us about a 5 minute walk away is the marble mountains which are 5 sectors of beautiful rock formations with pagodas built into the mountain made of the marble from the mountains that they sit on. We caught a small rumor that there might be climbing there, but so far there are no documented routes anywhere online or from Hoa himself. So today is the day of exploration to the marbles where we will see if the rumors are true and the beautiful limestone is bolted. We are keeping our fingers crossed, because with the beach, the hospitality and the off the beaten path way of life here, climbing could keep us here for longer than we think. time to put the chacos in 4WD, grab some gear, and wander the cliffs hoping to spot some bolts to go worship. If anything there is beach volleyball, poker, body boarding, and cheap beer. so to say the least life aint so bad. O and me and sky are both on our second round of antibiotics because yet again in danang we both got sick and i spent a day in bed recovering with Mi Ga (noodle chicken soup) and HBO. But as it was last time, within a day or so we are back on our feet again. It helps you can walk in a phamacy and get antibiotics and IBU for 1.50 USD. Our health care sucks in that sense. well off to do some sploring!!

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear you were sick again...hope that's all in the past now...and you get to enjoy the sun and new climbing.
