Friday, March 4, 2011

Misc Pic's

We really liked this picture!!!

Jess and Chantelle in deep conversation only a few drinks in.

Pagoda Nha Trang

Pagoda.  Marble Mountains, Da Nang

Whole chiken for sale, heads, feet, and god only knows what else.

Sunset.  Train ride from Da Nang to Nha Trang

Reclining Buddha Nha Trang
Vietnamese flag waving outside of Hoa's place
Common Vietnamese women trying to sell us fruit
Vietnamese Women feeding dog coffee ouside of Tailor shop
Horrible pic of Jess and I after long night of drinking
Typical Vietnamese Architecture with French influence.  Hoi an
View from top of Marble Mountains. Da Nang, Vietname
Vietnamese Children who followed us around. 
Our bathroom. Shower, toilet, and sink.  Very common throughout Vietnam
Jess and I catching the last rays of the day.  Hoa's Place
Skyler asleep on his pack waiting for the train.  After being sick for the last few days
Train ride to Da Nang
One of many show venders in small market.  Da Nang, Vietnam


  1. yeah...thanks for the post! i was getting worried. glad to hear all is well.
    it's hard to believe you're talking about the end of the trip already.
    jes...your brother is officially in the ARMY now...will be doing airborne ranger training after basic, which isn't until september. but he has been sworn in and signed the dotted line.
    i don't think i need to tell you how your mother is. blake seems to have changed his tune about it all.
    love to you boys from the momma in ky.

  2. Fun pics! Can't wait to see you guys again and get all the stories about the trip.
