Friday, February 18, 2011

One amazing night with a not so good twist in the end

So we made it back to Hanoi and into the old quarters district where the hostels and tourist stuff is all at. We got a room with a hot shower that finally works and walked around for a couple hours when we first got here to check out all the little shops. The stuff in the shops are more varied and cool compared to bangkok. After walking around we sat down in a place near our hotel to have some food and drinks. We met a really nice local named Lucky (which is ironic later in ths story). After sharing some neat vietnamese traditions and culture pieces we started talking about snakes. We had heard that there are places in vietnam where you can eat and drink snakes. Lucky was off work that night and said he would go with us to the place. So after a few beers we hopped in a cab and drove into a somewhat remote part of the city to this little house/business. They welcomed us with some soup and and drink as they prepared the snake. We walked over and saw the 5ft snake which both me and ryan held in our hands. Little did we know it was a cobra!!! So now we can say we held a poisionous snake in our hands. Sky, being afraid of snakes was timid to touch the live snake, but the fun was yet to begin. Then they grabbed the snake and with a knife cut out its heart, gave me the knife and i cut off its head. They then proceeded to drain the blood of the snake into a glass and then skin the snake. We walked upstairs as they cooked up the dishes. When we got to our table the heart was beating still on the plate as we each had a shot glass of snake blood and some sort of snake wine mix which was more like liquoir. We also had another shot of green liquid which lucky didnt have a word for it in english but we called it the bile. Me and ryan cut the heart in half, dropped it in the blood shot and all three of us and lucky shot the blood then the bile. It was interesting to say the least. Then there was a parade of dishes that they made from the snake, where nothing was wasted. We had food made from the bone, skin, intestines, and flesh. All 9 courses were amazing and were complimented by the snake wine. Sky tried some of the dishes and did a good job considering his intense fear of snakes. Nothing like eating your fear!! After that Lucky took us to a bar out on the water where I got my ass handed to me by locals in pool. It was cool being the only white people in that place. After going to another bar which was boring we all decided to walk home. This is where the story takes a twist. So out of nowhere a couple working girls started to hang on Lucky and Ryan. After walking for a block or so they just walked away, hopped on motorbikes with there guys and took off. Lucky said calmly, "check your pockets". This is where ryans face turned white. We had just been robbed, and not for money that can be replaced, but the most valuable item on our trip... his phone!! It had over 400 pictures of our trip and close to about 2hrs worth of videos, including our snake night. We all went home with our heads held low, justifying that we didnt have our passports or credit cards on us. BUT we are all still pissed off that we lost soo much documentation of our trip from one little sneaky thief. The mood this morning is a little grim and slow, not to mention the costly hangover from the sneaky snake wine. We are in need of recharging our motivation and understand that no one can take the experiences we have had away from us. In the moment it is still difficult to put a positive spin right now. We will spend tonight here again and then sunday getting on our bus or train to head south.

1 comment:

  1. the saying goes...if you play with fire...
    i'm just glad that's ALL it cost you!
    i sure hope the experience was worth it, cause i think it was foolish from the start...following some local to a place like that.
    i think you're lucky.
    i've been telling you since you were young..."don't be stupid." you're not listening! i probably never have.
    thanks for the great "bed time story"...should make for one hell of a night's sleep!
